
¡Galardonado con el sello standard eKomi!

¡Galardonado con el sello standard eKomi!




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Una Estafa

Hice la reserva por internet y cuando llegué a recogerla, me pedian 1000 euros (mil) de franquicia a devolver por parte de RECORD RENT A CAR en 30 días.
Llamo a DOYOUSPAIN y me dicen que eso es lo que he firmado un alquiler con seguro con franquicia de 1000 euros y que hay de dejar el dinero para poder alquilar. NO ME PERMITIERON ANULAR ALQUILER, Y NO ME PERMITIERON CAMBIARLO POR OTRO. Vamos que se han quedado con mi dinero. UNA ESTAFA EN TODA REGLA. POR PARTE DEL CONCESIONARIO RECORD RENT A CAR situada en Calle Rafael Riego 3, 28045, Madrid Y POR PARTE DE DOYOU SPAIN.COM que es en definitiva el que se ha quedado con mi dinero de la reserva.

Fecha de la experiencia: 08 de septiembre de 2023 mi reserva DYS­85363680
Llegamos el 25 a las 7:45, intentamos localizar a la Ecovia, imposible. Lo teníamos contratado a las 8, tuvimos que ir hasta una caseta en el parking (la del aeropuerto) y desde allí les llamaron...20 minutos espera. Nos llevaron a recoger el coche. El chico muy desagradable y prepotente, ningún tipo de ayuda ni facilidades, no sé cómo está atendiendo al público. LLamamos al teléfono de emergencia de douyouitaly y no nos lo cogen (es domingo) intentamos cancelar la reserva y ya no nos deja. No le vale la tarjeta de mi marido ni las dos mías (crédito y débito). Le decimos que hable con doyouitaly y le explique, nos dice que NO, que él no tiene que hablar nada con ellos y que no les va a notificar que no se ha realizado el alquiler.
Lo único que nos ofrece es contratar con ellos un seguro nuevo, evidentemente más caro. En total, que las 9:15 de la noche, en un sitio desconocido y con 2 menores. Mandamos un correo a dou you italy, nos contestan que no pueden hacer nada. Lo peor en empresas de alquiler de coches
Deceptive, be careful before paying
They have really convenient offers but do not provide, during the booking process, the very important information during the different steps that you will instead receive only with a paid reservation such as the opening hours of the offices for picking up the car so you only realize after the office will be closed and that being a promotion you can't even cancel and receive a refund.
Maximum lack of professional correctness.

Ingannevoli, fate attenzione prima di effettuare il pagamento
Lanciano offerte davvero convenienti ma non forniscono, in fase di prenotazione, le informazioni molto importanti durante il processo che invece riceverai solo a prenotazione pagata come l'orario di apertura degli uffici per il ritiro dell'auto per cui ti accorgi solo dopo che l'ufficio sarà chiuso e che essendo una promozione non puoi neanche cancellare e ricevere il rimborso.
Massima mancanza di correttezza professionale.
This is a total ***. NEVER UNDER ANY CURCAMSTENSES use doyouitaly and surprice cars. They only care about money and lie to people.
my booking: ***
I com late to bergamo, I had reserv car from 10.30 and I been there ar 16.00.
They told me they are rent all the car because they got very busy and I came late.

They dont have any other car to rent me.
I rent car from other rental car and paid *** euro. This is not the right way to have customer.

We traid call ((Do you italt )) but without any lock. I also try many time later and I cant get toch or speek with any one.
I cant understant why your company has taken money, I didint get the care..
Do you italy have got money from my card *** Euro, I should have this money back.

I already paid exstra to rent car from other company and the Erouacar already rent the my car to other people.

Please return my money *** euro.
Best regards
I booked with this company online and then received an email telling me they could not supply the car. I then cancelled the booking on their website. They then sent me a request to pay because they could now fulfil the booking. I had already paid and they asked me for another payment even though I had cancelled. I said I had cancelled and they confirmed I had cancelled. BUT THEY TOOK 400 POUNDS FROM MY CREDIT CARD and will not answer my emails about refunding me. This is a terrible chaotic, dreadful company with non existent customer service. Please do not use them
Richiesta informazioni mai soddisfatte, rimborso per pandemia.


El Sello de ekomi